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  • Writer's pictureJen R

Blog Post - Week 2 - A New Chapter: PIDP 3260

Updated: Apr 20

A Brief Autobiography:

My name is Jennifer Rawlins and I’ve been working in the Pastry/Culinary Industry for over ten years now. I’m a graduate of both Culinary Management and Professional Baking & Pastry programs and hold a Red Seal Designation in Baking. I'm currently working as a casual/on-call employee for both the Vancouver School Board and Vancouver Community College. 

Personal & Professional Values:

Having taken the "Teaching Perspectives" quiz, "Nurture" was a clear front runner, followed by apprentice. I have had very little experience teaching and I'm at the very beginning of my journey. Working with the school board, I'm now able to teach students about baking in teaching cafeterias across the city. Working with VCC as an Instructional Assistant (casual) allows me to rub elbows and get some interaction and face-time with students. They are both very different opportunities and I'm enjoying both immensely.

As a person, I've always felt being kind and having empathy is really the only way to live life. Allowing experiences to change perspectives and impact your life is the only way we can expect to grow as individuals. In a classroom setting, that approach would be one in the same. I recall as a student being able to see understanding and kindness on a teacher as if they had it printed on their forehead. These were my favourite teachers as they were the ones who were always establishing a healthy, professional rapport with students. They made school a more comfortable place and took away some of the institutionalized, sterile feeling that large government buildings sometimes have. They were a reminder that inside this big ugly building were people who genuinely cared and wanted you to succeed.

This is what I hope to emulate. To provide a judgement-free safe space where everyone is here for the exact same reason - to learn. I believe strongly in being transparent with students and giving detailed feedback often. Fair but empathetic with a genuine passion for the course material. My personality also contains quite a bit of humour so that will translate into who I become as a teacher as well. Introducing humour can help break the ice and get everyone interested.

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