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  • Writer's pictureJen R

Blog Post #1 - Trends in Culinary & Pastry Arts

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Global Sustainability with Food Sources and Growing Interest in Plant-Based Lifestyles

The article posted above lists several trends taking the food and beverage industry by storm. All include the common theme of sustainability, and with that, plant-based options. I'm going to remain relatively broad because this is such a massive topic that could lead in any number of directions.

We've been conditioned to eat a certain way our entire lives. Largely to blame is media and marketing; "No meal is complete without meat!" or "Drinking milk will help build strong bones!". Supply and demand is the reason this vicious cycle continues. As long as someone is making money, it will never really stop.

What this trend means for the food and beverage industry is that consumers needs and wants are changing. In the wake of the internet age, the general public are more informed now then ever before. This information has instilled in us a sense of social responsibility.

We are told that the earth is essentially dying, and it is our fault for draining it's natural resources. Animals are suffering, and we are to blame because we consume so much meat. We are told red meat and dairy are high in saturated fats, and are linked to heart disease and obesity. We've been told that we need to change our eating habits, or we will quite literally run out of food and all have to move to Mars because we've run the Earth so far into the ground that it's no longer habitable.

Personally, I've made changes here and there in my diet with these themes in mind. Consuming almond milk instead of dairy and trying to incorporate more legumes (like lentils, which actually have a negative carbon footprint!). I rarely buy beef, but that's more to do with the insane pricing rather than a health-conscious decision. I'm quietly waiting for the day they engineer a cheese substitute that actually tastes and cooks like cheese. That'll be a great day.

The implications these trends have on the industry as a whole are wide span and dramatic. To meet consumer demand, more plant-based cooking needs to be added into course curriculums. Teaching how to handle and cook with new ingredients that are being treated as meat, egg and dairy substitutes is also very important. This is where the world is headed and the industry needs to keep up, in order to stay relevant.

Would You Consider A Plant-Based Lifestyle?

  • 0%No, I will never stop eating meat and dairy

  • 0%Yes, I could see myself becoming vegan or vegetarian one day

  • 0%I'm making small changes to my diet (ex. oat or nut milk)

  • 0%I'm already vegan or vegetarian

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