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  • Writer's pictureJen R

Blog Post # 6 - Professional Goals

I feel like in this program (PIDP) I might be one of the odd ones out. See, I'm not an instructor. Yet. It's something I'm actively working towards and completing this program would give me that much more of an advantage in securing employment.

I'm currently a casual/on-call employee at two different places: The Vancouver School Board and Vancouver Community College. At the school board, I work in the teaching cafeterias as a Trade Qualified Baker and guide the students in their baking.

At VCC, I work as an Instructional Assistant in the Baking and Pastry Department. It's a step down from being an instructor, but many other IA's have gone on to become instructors with the college and some of them are still there now.

Within the next five years, I would like to:

  1. Finish this program. Hopefully it won't take me that long but I've been cruising along at a pretty good speed, so I feel one or two years is actually attainable. As a rough goal, let's say I'd like to be finished this entire program by September 2025. If it's a little longer (no more than six months), I think that's just fine.

  2. I'd like to continue to make connections and build trust as an employee at VCC. My ideal situation would be that the department would allow me to shadow another instructor for a couple weeks. Gaining this experience would be huge for my professional career. I instruct high-school aged kids but I have no experience doing it in a college setting, which is ultimately what I want. I think the best way to approach this would be to put in more time. I've only been at VCC and the School Board since the beginning of February. I need time to build a reputation of being reliable. I would consider asking about shadowing in a couple years. (2026?) By that point my first goal will be complete too, which only strengthens my resolve.

  3. Secure employment as a Baking and Pastry Instructor! This is the biggie and the combination of opportunity and timing is not really in my hands. Being patient is not one of my strengths but this is something I feel I might need to wait on. I would be over the moon if within five years I was a full-time employed instructor, but sometimes that isn't the way it goes. I would settle for a casual/on-call or part-time situation. Anything to get me closer to my goal.

These are all attainable and I will do everything in my power to get there. Once I'm employed as an instructor, the goal post moves again and the focus shifts more heavily to my teaching. Then I suppose a new five year plan is required (ha).

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