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  • Writer's pictureJen R

Blog Post #2 - Trends in Adult Learning - Soft Skills in an A.I. World

With the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) Technology worldwide, everyone feels the pressure of wondering if they’ll still have a job in 50 years. Robots never get tired or hungry and don’t demand vacation days or dental benefits. They are consistent, and produce perfection time and time again. Humans are flawed and inconsistent. It makes us unreliable and unpredictable, which is bad for business! Companies want what A.I. can offer.

However, there is a lot that A.I. can’t offer (at least not right now). Intrapersonal traits like passion, emotional intelligence, intuition and creativity are the things that make us human. They define us as individuals and are still necessary. In light of this, “soft skills” have been trending in teaching and in adult education.

“Soft Skills” are defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.” These include but are not limited to: communication skills, your work ethic, team working, time and relationship management and conflict resolution. It’s employability at it’s finest.

A.I. is taking over technical skills in the workplace, so the importance of having quality soft skills has sky-rocketed. Individuality and being a “team player” is more valuable now then ever because robots are taking the mundane and repetitive tasks.

Ironically in schools, A.I. is also being used to assist students in learning soft skills. Personalized lesson plans and A.I. driven learning experiences are just a couple of the ways it’s being implemented. Teachers are also benefitting from A.I. programming in schools. It can help them identify students learning styles and where they may be struggling.

The possibilities are really endless and I’m interested to see what the world is going to look like in another 5 years with the use of A.I. Technology.

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