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  • Writer's pictureJen R

Teaching Women in Professional Kitchens and Their Obstacles

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

I found this article and thought it was a really interesting read. I can attest to being treated differently than my male counter-parts. When I was in school, no one prepared me for what I was met with as a young professional. Not one educator said anything about it and I feel it's for 2 reasons:

#1. Every workplace is different. I've worked in many where I've been treated kindly and fairly. So why discuss something if there's a chance you won't be exposed to it? What is the point of planting the seed of worry.

#2. It's a taboo topic. No one wants to discuss gender inequality in 2023. It's just easier to push it under the rug and pretend it's not an issue anymore. "An issue of the past".

So what would I do as an educator? Well I don't really know to be honest. I'd want to prepare my students as best as possible. I think the most efficient way to do that comes in the very basic form of "treat others how you want to be treated". It's from this simple notion that we learn to have respect for each other. If we respect everyone equally, the bias melts away. Lastly, reinforcing "if you see something, say something". Standing up for our peers and making it known when behaviour is unacceptable is powerful.

We are products of our environments and we can choose to succumb to hardship or rise above it.

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